Members from coast to coast gathered in Winnipeg, Manitoba September 23-26, 2012 for the 51st Biennial Dominion Convention of The Army, Navy and Air Force Veterans in Canada (ANAVETS). The three day event was widely attended with delegates making policy decisions and determining the focus of their lobbying efforts on behalf of veterans and their families over the next two years.
Delegates heard from many guest speakers on benefits, programs and services available to veterans, serving personnel and their families. The Deputy Minister of Veterans Affairs, The Chief of Defence Staff and the Veterans Ombudsman were some of the many speakers invited to inform our members to the programs and concepts currently being addressed. You can listen to all of the speakers by clicking on the audio links below.
The culmination of the convention came with Deputy Minister Anne Marie Smart presenting 56 members in attendance with their Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medals and the convention floor electing Comrade George Beaulieu of Sherbrooke, Quebec as their Dominion President for 2012-2014.
It is our hope that all the delegates and guests enjoyed the camaraderie, speaker topics and other events they took part in and went back to their home units and shared the knowledge gained with all of the other members in their Units.
Large scale events such as a Dominion Convention are never easy to execute flawlessly and we would like to thank Keith Flight, President; Syd Stamper, Convention Chair, and the Convention Committee Members of Manitoba & NW Ontario Command for an exceptional job. We would also like to thank the executive and members of Assiniboia Unit #283, Rockwood Unit #303, Fort Garry Unit #60 and John Osborn VC Unit #1 for the wonderful hospitality.
We look forward to seeing many of you again in Penticton in 2014 as well as new delegates who have yet to experience a national convention.

Delegates attending ANAVETS 51st Biennial Dominion Convention

Delegates attending ANAVETS 51st Biennial Dominion Convention
Photos from the Convention:
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Speeches from our Guest Speakers:
Deputy Minister of Veterans Affairs Canada -Mary Chaput
Chief of Defense Staff – General Walter Natynczyk
ANAVICUS President – Jake Comer
American Legion National Commander – James Koutz
Presentation – CF Support Agency – Commodore Mark Watson
Presentation – Last Post Fund – Major General (Ret;d) Edward Fitch
Presentation – Veterans Ombudsman – Guy Parent
Presentation – Commonwealth War Graves Commission- Dominique Boulais
Minutes from the Convention: