The Army, Navy & Air Force Veterans in Canada (ANAVETS) firmly stands behind the campaign for improved funeral and burial benefits for veterans… Read more below.
A call to all past Army Cadets,
Can you attribute your personal or professional success to what you learned from the program?
The Army Cadet League of Canada is interested in compiling accounts from individuals from across the country who have spent time in the Army Cadet program and have gone on to serve their community in the arts and sciences, business, military, politics, volunteerism, medical and teaching professions, sports etc.
We are not looking to receive only the names of people in the public spotlight such as an astronaut, a rock star, or a general in the military. We would also like to include are stories from those who are successful and involved within their community, such as bank managers, thriving business owners, school principals and teachers, leaders of youth organizations, municipal, provincial or federal politicians and those who give their time as volunteers to community based organizations. Your stories can inspire today’s cadets by providing them examples of teenagers who came before them and persevered in the cadet program and have since, become successful, understanding it’s not how far you get but how far you go from when you started.
Submit your stories using this online form:
or visit
Avez-vous déjà fait partie des cadets de l’Armée ?
Une demande à tous les anciens cadets de l’Armée,
Pouvez-vous attribuer votre succès personnel ou professionnel à ce que vous avez appris du programme ?
La Ligue de cadets de l’Armée désire assembler des histoires de personnes de partout au pays qui ont participé au programme des cadets de l’Armée et qui plus tard ont servi leur communauté dans le domaine militaire, des arts, des sciences, des affaires, de la politique, du bénévolat, de la médecine, de l’enseignement ou des sports.
Nous ne voulons pas seulement recevoir les noms de personnes qui sont connues du public ou qui sont devenues célèbres, tel un astronaute, une étoile de la chanson, un haut gradé militaire. Nous recherchons aussi des histoires de gens qui ont une carrière réussie et qui s’impliquent dans leur collectivité, comme des directeurs de banque, des propriétaires d’entreprises florissantes, des directeurs d’école et des enseignants, des leaders d’organisations de jeunes, des politiciens aux niveaux municipal, provincial et fédéral ainsi que des personnes qui donnent de leur temps comme bénévoles dans des organismes communautaires. Vos histoires peuvent influencer le cadets d’aujourd’hui en leur donnant des exemples d’adolescents qui les ont précédés dans le programme des cadets et qui ont atteint leur succès. C’est important de leur démontré que ce n’est pas simplement ou on se rend dans la vie mais où on se rend en considérant d’où on a commencé.
Envoyez-nous vos histoires en utilisant le formulaire électronique suivant :
ou visitez
ANAVETS is very happy to announce the election of Comrade Brian Phoenix as Dominion President. The 52nd Biennial Dominion Convention of the association unanimously elected him to the position on October 8, 2014.
To view President Phoenix full biography, CLICK HERE.
Members from coast to coast gathered in Winnipeg, Manitoba September 23-26, 2012 for the 51st Biennial Dominion Convention of The Army, Navy and Air Force Veterans in Canada (ANAVETS). The three day event was widely attended with delegates making policy decisions and determining the focus of their lobbying efforts on behalf of veterans and their families over the next two years.
Delegates heard from many guest speakers on benefits, programs and services available to veterans, serving personnel and their families. The Deputy Minister of Veterans Affairs, The Chief of Defence Staff and the Veterans Ombudsman were some of the many speakers invited to inform our members to the programs and concepts currently being addressed. You can listen to all of the speakers by clicking on the audio links below.
The culmination of the convention came with Deputy Minister Anne Marie Smart presenting 56 members in attendance with their Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medals and the convention floor electing Comrade George Beaulieu of Sherbrooke, Quebec as their Dominion President for 2012-2014.
It is our hope that all the delegates and guests enjoyed the camaraderie, speaker topics and other events they took part in and went back to their home units and shared the knowledge gained with all of the other members in their Units.
Large scale events such as a Dominion Convention are never easy to execute flawlessly and we would like to thank Keith Flight, President; Syd Stamper, Convention Chair, and the Convention Committee Members of Manitoba & NW Ontario Command for an exceptional job. We would also like to thank the executive and members of Assiniboia Unit #283, Rockwood Unit #303, Fort Garry Unit #60 and John Osborn VC Unit #1 for the wonderful hospitality.
We look forward to seeing many of you again in Penticton in 2014 as well as new delegates who have yet to experience a national convention.
Delegates attending ANAVETS 51st Biennial Dominion Convention
Delegates attending ANAVETS 51st Biennial Dominion Convention
Photos from the Convention:
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Speeches from our Guest Speakers:
Deputy Minister of Veterans Affairs Canada -Mary Chaput
Chief of Defense Staff – General Walter Natynczyk
ANAVICUS President – Jake Comer
American Legion National Commander – James Koutz
Presentation – CF Support Agency – Commodore Mark Watson
Presentation – Last Post Fund – Major General (Ret;d) Edward Fitch
Presentation – Veterans Ombudsman – Guy Parent
Presentation – Commonwealth War Graves Commission- Dominique Boulais
Minutes from the Convention:
WOODBRIDGE, ONTARIO–(Marketwire – May 24, 2012)
The Honourable Steven Blaney, Minister of Veterans Affairs, and the Honourable Julian Fantino, Associate Minister of National Defence, attended a Gala tonight in support of the Helmets to Hardhats program. The Helmets to Hardhats program, led by Canada’s Building Trade Unions, will help connect Veterans, Canadian Armed Forces members and reservists to a range of careers within the construction industry, including apprenticeships in various building trades.
“Our Government is ensuring our Veterans successfully transition from military to civilian life, said Minister Blaney. “That’s why we recently announced that our Government is contributing $150,000 to support Helmets to Hardhats in Canada to help facilitate jobs and training opportunities for our Veterans and Canadian Armed Forces members who are interested in a career in the construction industry.”
“Our Government is committed to providing our brave men and women in uniform with the tools they need to do the jobs we ask of them,” said Associate Minister Fantino. “I am pleased to support initiatives such as Helmets to Hardhats that help ensure our Veterans have the tools to continue to build a strong and prosperous Canada.”
Over the course of their careers, members of the Canadian Armed Forces develop highly transferable skills. Helmets to Hardhats will, through its Web site, help Veterans match the skills they acquired in the military with employment opportunities in the construction industry. The Web site will also provide employers and local unions with access to a talented labour pool to fill positions from engineering posts to trade employment contracts and apprenticeship opportunities. Helmets to Hardhats will be a fully bilingual service that can be accessed by telephone or online.
“This program is already extremely successful in the United States. We have every reason to believe that it will be extremely successful here in Canada,” said Minister Blaney. “Our Government acknowledges the Interior Systems Contractors Association, the Canadian Boilermakers Union, the Carpenters Union and Canada’s Building Trades Unions, which helped organize this evening’s event. These organizations have demonstrated their commitment to this initiative and their commitment to our Veterans.”
For more information on Veterans Affairs Canada’s programs and services, please visit www.veterans.gc.ca.
Our 50th Biennial convention went off like clockwork, and from all reports, everyone had a good time. Stratford, of course will never be the same. In the photo above is shown our proud Comrades passing the reviewing stand. On the left, our special guest, actor, producer and now comedian Paul Gross being escorted by our Honorary President Comrade Gerry Wharton. Below, recipients of the American Legion Friendship Award proudly showing their wares.
On February 18, 2010, John “Jack” Babcock, Canada’s last WWI Veteran passed away. This event marks the “end of an era” in Canada’s history. Jack did not wish a state funeral, so it was decided to hold a national commemorative event honouring all of our WWI service men and woman and to pay tribute to their achievements. The ceremony was held on “Vimy Day” Friday, April 9, 2010 at Ottawa’s National War Memorial.
Mary McLeod is shown receiving an Honourary Life Membership, on her retirement during their convention in April. Mary has been the BC Provincial Secretary for over 30 years. Shown are the newly elected members of the BC Command executive:
From right to left: Immediate Past President: Bill Calvert, President: Shirley Aldridge,1st Vice President: Bruce Wight, 2nd Vice President: Lou Mazur, Mary McLeod, and 3rd Vice President: John Beugeling.