National News

Call for Reference Group Members
The Centre of Excellence on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Related Mental Health…

OPERATIONSAll ANAVETS Units across the Country are currently closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. …

Funeral and Burial Benefits Update
The Army, Navy & Air Force Veterans in Canada (ANAVETS) firmly stands behind the campaign for…

Were you once an Army Cadet?
A call to all past Army Cadets, Can you attribute your personal or professional success to what…

ANAVETS Elects Brian Phoenix as Dominion President
ANAVETS is very happy to announce the election of Comrade Brian Phoenix as Dominion President. …

ANAVETS 51st Dominion Convention
Members from coast to coast gathered in Winnipeg, Manitoba September 23-26, 2012 for the 51st…

Support for Helmets to Hardhats in Canada
Veterans Affairs Minister Steven Blaney Reaffirms Harper Government's Support for Helmets to…

50th Biennial Convention
Our 50th Biennial convention went off like clockwork, and from all reports, everyone had a good…

End of an Era
On February 18, 2010, John "Jack" Babcock, Canada’s last WWI Veteran passed away. This event…

Honourary Life Membership – Mary McLeod
Mary McLeod is shown receiving an Honourary Life Membership, on her retirement during their…

Judge Daniel F. Foley
Daniel F. Foley, a native of Wabasha, Minn., was elected National Commander of The American Legion…

Dominion Command Units
On September 01, 2020, the Army, Navy, Air Force Veterans Association in Canada (ANAVETS) granted…

Nova Scotia – Unit Locations
Nova Scotia (French: Nouvelle-Écosse; Scottish Gaelic: Alba Nuadh) is one of Canada's three…

New Brunswick – Unit Location
New Brunswick (French: Nouveau-Brunswick) is one of Canada's three Maritime provinces and is the…

Quebec – Unit Locations
Quebec - (French: Québec) It is the only Canadian province with a predominantly French-speaking…

Ontario – Unit Locations
Ontario - is located in east-central Canada.It is Canada's most populous province or territory and…

Manitoba & NW Ontario
Manitoba - is a Canadian prairie province. The province, with an area of 649,950 square…

Saskatchewan – Unit Locations
Saskatchewan - has an area of 588,276 square kilometres (227,100 sq mi). Saskatchewan is bordered…

Alberta – Unit Locations
Alberta - It had a population of 3,645,257 in 2011, making it the most populous of Canada's three…

British Columbia – Unit Locations
British Columbia - (French: la Colombie-Britannique, C.-B.) is the westernmost of Canada's…
Information for Members

2012 Resolution Response from Minister of Veterans Affairs
A response from Steven Blaney P.C. MP to the Army, Navy and Air Force Veterans in Canada (ANAVETS) recommendations adopted at the 51st Biennial…

Honouring and Connecting with Canada’s Veterans: a National Veterans Identification Card
Honouring and Connecting with Canada's Veterans: a National Veterans Identification…

Ombudsman’s Report on the Veteran’s Review and Appeal Board (VRAB)
2011 Veterans Ombudsman's Report- A matter of Procedural…

2010 Resolution on the Volunteer Medal and Response
A letter from Peter McKay addressing the review of resolutions that were passed at the Association’s 50th Biennial Dominion Convention. Read…

2010 Resolutions to Veterans Affairs Canada and Response
A response from Steven Blaney P.C. MP to the Army, Navy and Air Force Veterans in Canada (ANAVETS) recommendations adopted at the 50th Biennial…

Report of the Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs
On October 20, 2009, the House of Commons Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs began a review of the Canadian Forces Members and Veterans…