National News

Call for Reference Group Members
The Centre of Excellence on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Related Mental Health Conditions (the Centre) is seeking to build strong community networks to create the best possible supports and services for Veterans, first responders, and their families. The Centre is designed to be a “Network of Networks” with Veteran, Families,…

OPERATIONSAll ANAVETS Units across the Country are currently closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Provincial Commands and local Units will be making decisions as to the commencement of operations in consideration of Provincial guidelines, orders and health authority advise. The health and safety of our members and staff will continue to be our…

Funeral and Burial Benefits Update
The Army, Navy & Air Force Veterans in Canada (ANAVETS) firmly stands behind the campaign for improved funeral and burial benefits for veterans... Read more…

Were you once an Army Cadet?
A call to all past Army Cadets, Can you attribute your personal or professional success to what you learned from the program? The Army Cadet League of Canada is interested in compiling accounts from individuals from across the country who have spent time in the Army Cadet program and have gone on to serve their community in the arts and…

ANAVETS Elects Brian Phoenix as Dominion President
ANAVETS is very happy to announce the election of Comrade Brian Phoenix as Dominion President. The 52nd Biennial Dominion Convention of the association unanimously elected him to the position on October 8, 2014. To view President Phoenix full biography, CLICK…

ANAVETS 51st Dominion Convention
Members from coast to coast gathered in Winnipeg, Manitoba September 23-26, 2012 for the 51st Biennial Dominion Convention of The Army, Navy and Air Force Veterans in Canada (ANAVETS). The three day event was widely attended with delegates making policy decisions and determining the focus of their lobbying efforts on behalf of veterans and their…

Support for Helmets to Hardhats in Canada
Veterans Affairs Minister Steven Blaney Reaffirms Harper Government's Support for Helmets to Hardhats in Canada WOODBRIDGE, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - May 24, 2012) The Honourable Steven Blaney, Minister of Veterans Affairs, and the Honourable Julian Fantino, Associate Minister of National Defence, attended a Gala tonight in support of the Helmets…

50th Biennial Convention
Our 50th Biennial convention went off like clockwork, and from all reports, everyone had a good time. Stratford, of course will never be the same. In the photo above is shown our proud Comrades passing the reviewing stand. On the left, our special guest, actor, producer and now comedian Paul Gross being escorted by our Honorary President Comrade…

End of an Era
On February 18, 2010, John "Jack" Babcock, Canada’s last WWI Veteran passed away. This event marks the “end of an era” in Canada’s history. Jack did not wish a state funeral, so it was decided to hold a national commemorative event honouring all of our WWI service men and woman and to pay tribute to their achievements. The ceremony was…

Honourary Life Membership – Mary McLeod
Mary McLeod is shown receiving an Honourary Life Membership, on her retirement during their convention in April. Mary has been the BC Provincial Secretary for over 30 years. Shown are the newly elected members of the BC Command executive: From right to left: Immediate Past President: Bill Calvert, President: Shirley Aldridge,1st Vice President:…
News from our Units

Prince Albert, SK ANAVETS Unit 222 Celebrates 80 years
Prince Albert ANAVETS Unit 222 was chartered in 1934. Our first president was W.J. Dobson, an employee with the C.N.R. Throughout the years we as an Unit have strived to maintain a strong community involvement. We are proud to serve our community and country. For our 80th year celebration we have invited our community to take part. Our…

Orillia Unit 400 – National Day of Honour Celebration
Army Navy Air Force Veterans in Canada Unit 400 Orillia invited local Veterans to dinner May 9th to commemorate the end of Canada’s mission in Afghanistan. They came from their homes, nursing homes; some from work in the community and at Base Borden. The National Day of Honour was also celebrated in Ottawa and across Canada to mark the end of…

ANAVETS Redevelopment Project
In the late 1960s the Anavets Senior Citizens’ Housing Society constructed three buildings in North Vancouver to house veterans, their widows and other seniors in the community living on fixed incomes. In 2010 those buildings, on separate parcels adjoining each other, were fast becoming outdated and in need of replacement. Quoting Society…

Chase the Ace – WINS BIG!
The Portage la Prairie Unit #13 has been running a weekly draw called “Chase the Ace”. The game managed to run for 43 weeks and accumulate to a pot worth $18,235.00. During this 43 week period we have had a very busy unit on Saturday afternoons. As the pot got bigger and bigger the line ups at the door to come in also got longer and…

Children’s Winter Fun Day – Lennoxville Unit #318
Lennoxville Unit 318 recently held their annual Children’s Winter Fun Day, under beautiful, sunny skies on Sunday, February 26, 2012. We had a fair turn out for this traditional event, with around 24 kids, ranging in age from 2 to 12 years old, who showed up at the club to participate in this fun filled day of both indoor and outdoor games,…

New Flags for ANAF #377
Mr Hsu presented The Army, Navy and Air Forces Veterans in Canada Martello Unit 377 with Canadian Flags to fly in front of the Unit. The flags were presented during Mr Hsu’s visit to the Unit at the Levee. Pictured left to right: Chris Carter Sgt @ Arms, Jack O’Brien President, Mr Ted Hsu, MP, Tom Burke 1st Vice President and Jim Pine 2nd…

S. Vancouver Crime Prevention Donation
Army, Navy & Air Force Veterans, Unit 26, located just south of the Kensington Cedar Cottage 41 Avenue border, presents their $406.00 donation to South Vancouver Community Crime Prevention Association, April 9, 2009. The South Vancouver Anavets Unit 26 organized a bottle and can recycle drive at their Fraser Street and 43 Avenue club house to…